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Watch Matt’s TED Talk

How Do We Learn to Work with Intelligent Machines?

In our grail-like quest to optimize productivity with intelligent technologies like AI and robots, we are separating junior workers from experts in workplaces around the world. It’s a looming multi-trillion-dollar problem that few are addressing, until now.
Matt Beane

Matt Beane does field research on work involving robots and AI to uncover systematic positive exceptions that we use across the broader world of work.

He has published in top management journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly and Harvard Business Review, and spoken on the Ted stage. He also took a two-year hiatus from his doctoral studies to help found and fund Humatics, an MIT-connected, full-stack IoT startup. Beane is an Assistant Professor in the Technology Management Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara and a Digital Fellow with Stanford’s Digital Economy Lab and MIT’s Institute for the Digital Economy. He received his PhD from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

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Matt regularly gives talks on the implications of AI and robotics for the world of work. He also advises organizations, leaders and entrepreneurs on these topics

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The Skill Code: How to Save Human Ability in an Age of Intelligent Machines
